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Chopped Ham
per 100 g - Calories: 180kcal | Fat: 10.3g | Carbs: 4.2g | Prot: 16.5g
Spiced Minced Chopped Ham
per 1 slice (9 cm x 9 cm x 0.3 cm) - Calories: 52kcal | Fat: 3.82g | Carbs: 0.49g | Prot: 3.74g
Other sizes:
1 tbsp - 20kcal, 1 slice (10.5 cm x 10.5 cm x 0.16 cm) - 48kcal, 1 cup - 313kcal, more...
Lowfat Spiced Minced Chopped Ham
per 100 g - Calories: 110kcal | Fat: 2.86g | Carbs: 2.63g | Prot: 17.28g
Other sizes:
1 slice (9 cm x 9 cm x 0.3 cm) - 25kcal, 1 slice (10.5 cm x 10.5 cm x 0.16 cm) - 23kcal, 1 cup of pieces - 152kcal, more...
Collards (Chopped, Frozen)
per 1 package (285 g) - Calories: 94kcal | Fat: 1.05g | Carbs: 18.35g | Prot: 7.64g
Other sizes:
1 package (1.35 kg) - 449kcal, 1 lb - 150kcal, 100 g - 33kcal, more...
Broccoli (Chopped, Frozen)
per 100 g - Calories: 26kcal | Fat: 0.29g | Carbs: 4.78g | Prot: 2.81g
Other sizes:
1 cup - 41kcal, 1 package - 74kcal, 1 lb - 118kcal, more...
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