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Minced Veal or Patty
per 1 medium patty - Calories: 115kcal | Fat: 5.03g | Carbs: 0g | Prot: 16.20g
Other sizes:
1 large patty - 152kcal, 1 cup of cooked - 210kcal, 1 small patty - 92kcal, more...
Minced Veal
per 1 lb - Calories: 653kcal | Fat: 30.71g | Carbs: 0.00g | Prot: 87.77g
Minced or Patty Pork
per 100 g - Calories: 295kcal | Fat: 20.60g | Carbs: 0g | Prot: 25.48g
Other sizes:
1 cup of cooked - 363kcal, 1 patty - 295kcal, 1 oz, raw - 59kcal, more...
Minced Lamb or Patty
per 100 g - Calories: 281kcal | Fat: 19.49g | Carbs: 0g | Prot: 24.54g
Other sizes:
1 cup of cooked - 346kcal, 1 serving - 216kcal, more...
Breaded Veal Patty
per 1 medium patty - Calories: 211kcal | Fat: 12.66g | Carbs: 6.68g | Prot: 16.44g
Other sizes:
1 large patty - 283kcal, 1 small patty - 171kcal, 1 oz, cooked - 75kcal, more...
Veal Meat
per 100 g - Calories: 144kcal | Fat: 6.77g | Carbs: 0.0g | Prot: 19.35g
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